Monday, June 30, 2008

Glass Is Half Full

Dear Friends
This weekend was wonderful! Organising and planning the 21st birthday for twins was so much fun. I think I had more fun than the actual guests, well maybe not that much, although it went off without a hitch which was a complete wonder to me. I've had all the disposable cameras developed and now am in the process of developing a slideshow with all the different aspects from the guests pictures of the party and am placing onto a DVD, printing the cover of the information regarding the event for prosperity.
The Ski Weekend I organised on the otherhand had me up working most of the night, resourcing an after hours doctor as I'd organised their travel insurance, after a broken wrist which happened not through skiing or skydiving but a fall in the bar (not my words)! I love the feedback I receive and the way others handle various situations.
To always see the best life has to offer, life can only get better and no situation has to be anything but an experience and a fun, fulfilling and entertaining one.
So Live Life To The Fullest Each & Every Day
Wishing You All The Best

1 comment:

Earth Girl said...

Finding your site was terrific. Feel more organised already with your cool welcome pack! Your blog is great.

Love your logo too, but your site doesn't do justice to your blog and vis versa. You do so much more maybe you could include more detail on your website?

I've been telling my friends and til I showed them how much you do, they have no idea of the amount of services you actually offer. I can you my "GENIE" service. Anything I need, you're there.

Thanks SuperGirls!